Ian Buttimer

Projects showcase

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A software developer, with varied and extensive experience:



A sample of the projects worked on:

Recipes ‘N’ Stuff

A Full Stack E-commerce recipe subscription and shopping application. It utilises a subscription-based access model, with the option to optionally purchase the required ingredients.

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11 Recipes-n-stuff


A Full Stack application platform that allows users to post opinions and comments, and engage in online discussions.

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11 SoapBox


A full stack application providing management of sports teams.

It consists a lightweight WSGI web application, which serves the UI and provides database integration.

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10 9 TeamPicker


A Full Stack a weather forecast application utilising multiple third-party weather forecasters, to provide address-based weather forecasts.

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11 Weather-Zone


A full stack E-commerce application.

The application consists of:

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6 7 8 L2CEcommerceBe, L2CeCommerceFe

1 Node.js is a trademark of Joyent, Inc. and is used with its permission. We are not endorsed by or affiliated with Joyent.
2 MongoDB is a trademark of MongoDB, Inc.
3 Express is a project of the OpenJS Foundation.
6 Spring Boot and Spring Data are trademarks of Pivotal Software, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
8 okta is a trademark of Okta, Inc.
9 auth0 is a trademark of Auth0® Inc.
12 Render is a trademark of Render Services, Inc.